«Liberté! Sauvons la liberté! La liberté sauvera le reste!» Victor Hugo.


A esquerda e os libertários

A blogosfera da libertarian left tem sempre coisas bastante interessantes:

"More generally, and as I've already said in that other post on Chomsky, I find his anarcho-syndicalism (and anarcho-synicalism in general for that matter) and libertarianism should make for pretty good bunk buddies. I do think though that for a reunion of libertarianism and leftism to take place, it isn't enough for libertarians and leftists to become aware of the fact that many of their differences can be traced back to different uses of such words as "capitalism" and "socialism" and for libertarians to develop a dialectical sensitivity. It is also essential to educate the left on economics. Rothbard apparently wasn't patient enough when he tried to do that during his short alliance with the New Left and ultimately he gave up, but I think we modern, post-Rothbardian (now there's a phrase for you to ponder about!) left-libertarians should give it another shot -- especially now that we have such ingenious tools of analysis available as Kevin Carson's concept of "vulgar libertarianism" and all its variations.


"Anyway, the point I wanted to make here is one that has been made many times before in the blogosphere of the libertarian-left in one form or another: After you've read all the essential material on libertarianism, go and read some of the gems on the left."